Egelric keeps his promise

March 10, 1072

'Ma! Look!'

“Ma!” Bertie cried. “Look!”

Just then Gunnilda heard the thump of feet coming up the steps and through the door she had left open onto the bright day – the first day, perhaps, of winter’s final thaw. Her heart lurched when she saw the strange costume and the flying skirts – the Scots!

But then she recognized that smiling face.

She recognized that smiling face.

“Egelric!” she cried, tears welling at once in the corners of her eyes.

“Behold!” he said. “The snow has not yet melted!”

“Egelric!” she sobbed, and she threw her arms around him.

She sobbed and threw her arms around him.

“Egelric! Egelric! Egelric!” Bertie was dancing around the two of them and pulling at Egelric’s hand.

“Let me see this boy,” Egelric said, gently extracting himself from Gunnilda’s arms and then turning to embrace Bertie.

He turned to embrace Bertie.

“Bertie, you run and get your Da and tell him to bring Baby in here! Run, run!” Gunnilda cried breathlessly. As Bertie flew out the door she explained, “Githa has all the girls out to the barn playing with the new kittens. We got more kittens than anyone because Alwy just can’t bring himself to – ”

But Egelric had grabbed her again.

But Egelric had grabbed her again. “Well, my girl, I would pick you up and dance you around the room, but I don’t want to rattle that youngster loose just yet.”

Gunnilda could only laugh like a little fool – she was immediately aware that he hadn’t called her his girl since he had lifted her down from the haywagon on that dreadful Midsummer’s Eve.

“Happy to see me?” he whispered at her ear, squeezing the breath out of her.

But she could only laugh.

“Alwy!” he cried. He let go of her at once and was immediately snatched up by her husband.

He was immediately snatched up by her husband.

“I knew you would come home!” Alwy said proudly. “I always knew! Gunnie was real worried when you didn’t come, but I always knew you would come!”

“That’s a faithful friend!” Egelric exclaimed. “Now where are you hiding my girl?”

“She’s coming too, she’s right behind me!” Alwy announced.

And sure enough, with a thump thump thump up the stairs, little Iylaine burst into the room crying out, “Da! Da!”

Iylaine burst into the room.

“Who’s this?” Egelric said in amazement. “Is this the little thing I left behind? What have you been feeding her, Gunnilda?” He swept her up and covered her little face with kisses.

He swept her up and covered her little face with kisses.

“Oh, we just put her out to the trough with them pigs,” Gunnilda drawled. “She just shoves ‘em out of the way and eats her fill.”

“No we never did!” Alwy cried in outrage.

“It’s a joke, Alwy,” Gunnilda laughed.

But Egelric only heard the laughter of his little girl.

But Egelric only heard the laughter of his little girl.