Egelric and Malcolm trade lessons

August 12, 1076

Malcolm pushed the door open hesitantly.

Malcolm pushed the door open hesitantly.

“Good morning, Malcolm,” Egelric smiled.

“Oh, you’re alone,” Malcolm said with relief.

“Are you afraid of Her Grace?” he laughed.

“I never know what Dunstan has told her of our recent adventures,” Malcolm replied with a wink. Here was a man at whom one could wink!

“As long as you’re here, scamp, why don’t you make yourself useful? Come here and tell me whether it’s ‘-et’ or ‘-at.’”

'As long as you're here, scamp, why don't you make yourself useful?'

Malcolm came to stand beside him and looked down at the half-​​filled sheet of parchment that lay on the table. He shook his head sadly. “Neither. It should be ‘-ret.’”

“The devil! I knew neither of them sounded right.”

“Is that why you tried both of them in different places?” Malcolm asked after quickly scanning the text.

Egelric pushed the sheet away. “Damn. I know you hate your lessons, boy, but you have no idea how lucky you are to have them while you are young, and can still learn.”

Suddenly Malcolm had an idea. “Say! Do you need a secretary?”

“A who?”

“Wouldn’t you like to have someone to write for you?”

“Have someone in mind, do you?” Egelric asked suspiciously.

“I could help you. But I should have to come live here until His Grace has returned.”

'I could help you.'

“That’s it, is it?”

“I’m only trying to help you, cousin,” Malcolm said sweetly.

“I am touched. Now why is it really? Do you miss the young Prince?”

“Aye, it’s true, but don’t tell him I said it. There’s no one for me but Brit, and she’s so bossy. I don’t even have Colban – Say! Who will speak Gaelic with him if he isn’t with me?”

“I could.”

“Aye, but you make mistakes all the time.”

'Aye, but you make mistakes all the time.'

“Boy!” Egelric barked.

“All you know how to do correctly is argue and curse.”

“What else does a man need to know?” Egelric laughed.

“Nothing, if he’s a barbarian. Do you want to explain to His Majesty why his son is speaking like a barbarian when he comes home?”

'Do you want to explain to His Majesty why his son is speaking like a barbarian when he comes home?'

“You are a rascal, if not a barbarian.”

“Perhaps I am, and perhaps I am not, but I am only trying to help.”

“I don’t know, Malcolm. I can’t see why a young man who has a castle full of a beautiful ladies to himself would want to come here, where there is only one beautiful lady and a cankered old barbarian of a Scot.”

“What about Baby?”

“Aye, what about Baby?”

'Aye, what about Baby?'

“You don’t count her as a beautiful lady?”

“I’m a little worried to find that you do. Is that why you want to come here? To be with Baby?”

“No! I’m simply trying to get away from the beautiful ladies. At least two of them.”

“Ah, I begin to understand. Is it Lady Ragnhild and her young friend?”

“Precisely. How did you know?”

'Precisely.  How did you know?'

“I am not as dense as my Latin makes me appear, but I certainly shan’t speak ill of them. However, I did see a lady on a horse that looked suspiciously like your Druid from a distance. I thought to myself, ‘Either that boy has taken to wearing long skirts, or her ladyship has taken to riding that boy’s horse.’ But I thought perhaps you were in love with her, and allowed it.”

“Her? Never!” Malcolm wished he were outside so that he could spit.

“So we shall have to find room for Druid in the stables as well? That’s a shame, for I was planning to put you out there, and now I shall have to find something else.”

“So I can come?” Malcolm asked eagerly.

'So I can come?'

“We shall ask Her Grace. I am not master here, remember.”

“Oh no.”

“Perhaps his lordship has not yet told Her Grace of your latest adventures?”

“I have no idea. Let’s hope not.”

“But remember, you will be helping me with this,” Egelric said, tapping the sheet of parchment with his finger, “O my young secretary.”

“Oh, aye,” Malcolm sighed. “I should have waited until you said no before offering to do that.”

“In His Majesty’s absence, I am pleased to be able to offer you this small lesson in diplomacy,” Egelric smiled.

'I am pleased to be able to offer you this small lesson in diplomacy.'