Eadgith heard a bellow in the courtyard that made her think of her father for a moment.

Eadgith heard a bellow in the courtyard that made her think of her father for a moment before she remembered that her father was not supposed to come until after Easter. But she glanced outside anyway, and saw a groom leading away a horse that did indeed wear his colors, though he was nowhere to be seen.

She put down her sewing and went out into the sitting room at the entry, just in time to see her father come in and grab Hilda in a crushing embrace.

Her father came in and grabbed Hilda in a crushing embrace.

“Well, my blue-​eyed hussy!” he cried. “Have you a kiss for your old father, or anything else that’s going unclaimed these days?”

“My old devil, rather,” she said with her smile that sparkled like icicles, but she allowed him to kiss her on the mouth in what seemed to Eadgith a rather unseemly way.

“My baby!” he said then as he looked up to see her standing in the corner. He released Hilda at once and came to hug her, but tenderly.

'I'm glad to see your old dragon hasn't eaten you yet.'

“I’m glad to see your old dragon hasn’t eaten you yet,” he said fondly.

“Don’t be so sure,” Hilda snickered.

“Shut your mouth, you malicious baggage,” he shouted, turning back to his daughter-​in-​law, “or I shall show you to what other uses a mouth may be put!”

'Shut your mouth, you malicious baggage!'

“Ask your son whether I don’t already know!” she laughed aloud.

“Saucy wench! I meant for slapping!” But he laughed with her.

Eadgith shrank back into the corner. Her father smelled strongly of ale—otherwise she knew he would not speak so before her.

“Where’s my grandson?” he asked Hilda.

“He’s out with his father and Eirik.”

“Doing what? Raping and pillaging?”

'Doing what?  Raping and pillaging?'

“They didn’t say,” she smiled.

“Damn, lady, I believe that’s the start of a belly I see on you.”

“Wouldn’t you feel like an ass if I told you it wasn’t?”

“You’re a fat little squab either way. All the easier to grab,” he leered, reaching menacingly out to her.

'Hilda shrieked and jumped on the bench.'

Hilda shrieked and jumped on the bench. She glanced quickly at Eadgith as she laughed and danced away from her father’s hands. Eadgith knew she wanted to be sure that she was watching.

“Father,” Eadgith said suddenly, for if she didn’t speak now she would have to go back to her room.

“Baby?” he asked, and spun around to face her, nearly losing his balance in the process.

“I thought you weren’t coming until after Easter.”

“That’s right!” he said and slapped his thigh. “But we had a fire in the hall last night and just now the place is near unlivable. So we thought we would come a bit early and stay a bit late,” he winked.

'So we thought we would come a bit early and stay a bit late.'

“Oh, dear!” Eadgith cried softly. “Was anyone hurt?”

“No, no, baby. Only a bit frightened. The ladies anyway.”

“Are they all here?” she asked eagerly. “Leila and Lissa and the children?”

'Are they all here?'

“All here,” he chuckled, “and most especially your darling.”

“Oh, but she won’t even know me!”

“She will remember.”

“Where are they?”

“They’re all with your beloved dragon just now, but I mean to ask Matilda whether we might stay with them.”

“Oh—but why?”

'Oh--but why?'

“Why?” he laughed. “How else will your mother see her dear cousin Sigefrith if Leila and my bastards are always in the way?”

“Father!” Eadgith gasped.

“I only use her word for them!”

“Oh, don’t!” she pleaded.

Hilda snickered from her seat on the bench.

Her father sighed. “Never mind…”

“But—Father—” She didn’t like him staying with Matilda either. “How will Mother see Matilda if you’re there?”

'How will Mother see Matilda if you're there?'

“Matilda can come here! For the love of heaven, child, shall I quit this earth so that your mother may walk upon it untroubled by my presence? Shall I even be allowed to visit my daughter once she is married to that fire-​breathing puppy of a cousin of mine?”

Hilda giggled.

“Of course you may visit us, Father, and you may stay with Sigefrith now, I’m certain.”

'Of course you may visit us, Father.'

“Perhaps he doesn’t want me too near,” he winked. “Will be a bit difficult to savor this tasty morsel if I am constantly plucking her from his jaws.” He gave her cheek a sharp pinch.

“Father…” she said weakly.

“That’s enough gabbing,” he said. “Come along, my beauties. I want to take you back to see Leila and the tadpoles before I trundle them off to Alred’s. I shall never get her out of his arms afterwards. Lucky thing I have you to console me, eh, blue-​eyes?” He turned and tickled Hilda until she screamed.

He turned and tickled Hilda until she screamed.