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Lasrua says the wrong thing

April 20, 1086

“Aengus,” Lasrua announced when it seemed dragging her feet and dawdling would not suffice, “I think we’re lost.” “Now, we cannot be lost,” he said. “We never crossed a bridge a second time, so we’re still on the island. And I’m certain...

Gaethine is too much a barbarian

April 19, 1086

Gaethine awoke with the muddled sense that he needed to be alert for something and had been weak somehow. He blinked his blurry eyes and wondered why there was a light. Had he lost all notion of day and night? He heard a muffled thump...

Yusuf takes his leave

April 18, 1086

“What is it?” Yusuf asked. “If this will take some time, I will return later, God willing. The sun is setting. It is time for my prayer.” Lord Aed’s head dipped slightly, and his close-​fitting tunic stretched taut over his shoulders...

Lord Aed welcomes a lady

April 18, 1086

Aed suspected there was a little something unseelie in the mountain water this spring: something that had a peculiar effect upon ladies. Not since old Lord Donnchad of the Eochaids had taken his barbarian wife had Galloway seen such spectacles...

Maire and Muirgel have the last word

April 17, 1086

Once, Maire ought to have been violently jealous of this woman. Yet even in the headiest of those days, Muirgel of the Colins had never merited more than the irritation generally inspired by inanimate things. She might have been an accident...

Colban claims his inheritance

April 16, 1086

Malcolm had looked everywhere. So thoroughly that he’d even circled back around and started looking in the same places again. He stood up and shouted at the ceiling, “Colban! Have you seen the key to the tack chest?” It wasn’t...

Thorkell steps into a saga

April 15, 1086

“You’re late,” Eirik said. Thorkell stopped, petrified. “Late?” “Murchad left Glenncaenna over a week ago. It doesn’t take ten days to reach Ireland.” Thorkell glanced around the unfamiliar room, hoping to see his indignation...

Murchad remembers his promise

April 14, 1086

“Synne!” Murchad stopped short just inside the doorway of their room. Synne was already within, waiting for him to arrive, and her jaunty smile reminded Murchad just how weary he was. He longed to wrap his arms around her, bury his face...

Sadb and Uallach face their fears

April 14, 1086

Uallach had never seen a spring like a sunny April day in Ireland. Crocuses and buttercups grew in such wax-​petaled profusion that people trod them carelessly underfoot. The clouds in the bright blue sky were fluffy and harmless-​looking ...

Eadred takes command

April 13, 1086

Eadred caught Natanleod’s eye as he swung around the corner, but he surprised everyone else with his cry, “Don’t tell me you started without me!” For a stunned second conversations stopped, chairs creaked, and bodies twisted around ...

Murchad is let down by the rules

April 12, 1086

Ordinarily Murchad liked rules. They chafed sometimes, but he could always reassure himself that they must have been made for a reason. If passengers and cargo could not leave a ship until it had been cleared by the harbormaster, doubtlessly...

Gwynn embarks on a diplomatic career

April 11, 1086

“I’ll let you in,” Aering said skeptically, “but don’t blame me if he blows his top. He’s busy. With business!” Gwynn was unimpressed. “That’s fine, because I’m here on business.” “What business? You’re a girl! ” ...

Aengus tenders an invitation

April 10, 1086

Aengus was just drunk enough to watch without fully grasping what he was seeing. To be sure, he knew there was a female ass staring him in the face, but it didn’t strike him that there was anything wrong with this until the female had thumped...

Gwynn is outfoxed

April 10, 1086

Lady Gwynn shook her finger at the Queen. “Eadie, you sly puss! Connie and I were just getting undressed for bed when Father came and told us to get dressed again!” “Oh, dear, I’m so sorry…” Gwynn laughed. “Apology not accepted...

Lasrua is the ghost of a girl

April 10, 1086

Lasrua had believed she would never again know a cacophony like the cacophony of Dover, but the port city of Calais had dispelled that illusion the very next day. Worse than the clamor of more conversations than she could follow was the clamor...

Saeward gets the grateful wife

April 9, 1086

Saeward didn’t even recognize her at first: the timid, freckle-​faced young woman who’d come to his door in a plain gown and a carelessly braided rope of hair. She might have been a maid. It was the sight of the Queen’s dog behind her that...

The doctor gets closer to his patient

April 9, 1086

Gaethine cautiously laid his book aside and pulled up a corner of the blanket to hide it. If he didn’t look occupied, Yusuf might stay and talk a while. “Word must be spreading about my remarkable talents, ” Yusuf was saying as he...

Saeward sticks to a life-altering scheme

April 9, 1086

On the third day, Saeward didn’t bother hurrying across the court. He had no kitten to hide. The little girl would not be there. Yesterday, after she’d gone inside, he had folded up the blanket and taken it in to a maid. Now her caretaker...

Finn gets some unwelcome privacy

April 8, 1086

Finn had been just about to go down and help Osh split the wood when Osh’s axe fell silent. Then the voice of Finn’s father bellowed up from the edge of the clearing. “What are you doing out here splitting wood when you have a perfectly...

Colban troubles the living

April 8, 1086

Colban found his twin leaning over the washbasin with his big nose almost butting up against the mirror. “Hallo there, beautiful!” Colban sauntered up and smacked his brother on the rump. Malcolm jumped and swore. “What are...

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