Tuesday 9 October 2007

It was all too clear it was a girl.

Rowena requested that I put Kraaia’s boy clothes up for download, so here they are!

They are supposed to be a boy’s short tunic with leggings and boots. They are a little clingy though. It’s the best I could do with the meshes available to me. :-D I think it’s a base game mesh, but if anyone knows otherwise let me know and I will mention it. I know it’s one of the in-​game meshes, but I have all the expansion packs except OFB, so it’s possible it’s from one of those.

Terms and Conditions: You can do whatever you want with this except upload it to paysites or act like you made the whole thing. It’s nice to credit me if you make something with it, but I understand if you don’t remember where you find things.

It was all too clear it was a girl.